Breaking the stigma: Eating alone

Breaking the stigma: Eating alone

There are so many stigmas in the world that stop people from being who they really want to be and stop them from what they want to do to mak...
Autism: Sensory problems

Autism: Sensory problems

For me, sensory problems, commonly known as sensory integration, are one of the biggest difficulties of autism. Of course, everyone on the a...
Autistic shut downs

Autistic shut downs

If you've been reading my posts so far, you probably have a good understanding of autism now but I feel as though some things need to ...
School life of an autistic person

School life of an autistic person

Following up from my last post of explaining the truths of autism, I thought it would be beneficial for people to explain some of the diffic...
Do you really know as much about autism as you think you do?

Do you really know as much about autism as you think you do?

As a person who has to deal with autism, it is ever so infuriating to see so many common misconceptions and myths about it. I think it's...